Nutrition is all about nourishing the body with the right foods and nutrients. Some people, however, tend to forget that our skin and hair also need nourishment and that they play important roles in our overall health and wellness. The skin is the body’s largest organ; it serves as the primary barrier against pathogens in the environment. Our skin also serves as protection from a loss of fluid from inside the body, which is why we should keep our skin healthy and protected from ultraviolet light. Similarly, our hair provides heat insulation and cooling and protects us from ultraviolet radiation.
What Is Outer Nutrition and Why Is It Important?
“Outer Nutrition” is simply about achieving and maintaining healthy skin and hair. Just as your heart, brain, and muscles need proper nutrition for long-term health, your skin and hair require the right nourishment to be able to perform their functions: protection, thermoregulation, sensory perception, secretion, and excretion. This might not come as a surprise, but inner and outer nutrition are deeply connected.
What You Eat Affects the Health of Your Skin and Hair
The condition of your skin and hair is affected by your diet, age, and environmental conditions. You can’t control some of these factors – like ageing or climate – but you can manage what you eat, so it supports your skin and hair. A variety of nutrients, including protein, antioxidants, vitamins, and collagen can help improve the health of your skin and hair. People with good-looking skin and hair tend to have daily healthy habits!
Here are a few recommended foods and nutrients to help with healthy, glowing skin and hair:
Eat Protein- Rich Foods to Repair Cells
Every cell needs protein to maintain its life. Protein is also the primary material used to “replace” worn-out or dead cells. Your muscles, hair, nails, skin, and eyes are made of protein. A diet low in protein, over the course of many months, can cause a loss in skin tone, thinning hair, and wrinkles beyond what would be reasonable for chronological age, so include protein in your diet from sources like chicken, meat, fish, soy or tofu or a protein shake.
Get Your Vitamins A, C, and E
While protein is essential to achieving healthy skin and hair, vitamins with antioxidant properties – such as vitamin A, C, and E – are also crucial. Deficiencies in any of these micronutrients can affect the health of your skin. The skin easily shows the effects of oxidative damage, and antioxidants have been shown to be potent in protecting the skin from oxidative damage. As well as eating a variety of foods rich in Vitamins A, C and E, taking daily multivitamins is also an excellent way to ensure you are providing your skin with the micronutrients it needs to look healthy.
Try Collagen-Rich Foods and Supplements
During the ageing process, which starts in your mid-20s, the skin suffers from a progressive loss of moisture and becomes increasingly dry. When this happens, the dermis becomes thinner; the connective tissue loses its firmness and elasticity, and wrinkles and sagging start to occur.
The human body’s collagen accounts for 25 percent to 30 percent of its total protein, of which about 75 percent is skin collagen. Collagen is located primarily in the connective tissue, and it’s responsible for giving the dermis its firm structure. Some examples of collagen-rich foods include leafy greens, red and yellow vegetables, berries, citrus fruits, fish, chicken, egg whites, avocados, soy, beans, and white tea. Collagen is also available as a nutritional supplement and can help nourish your body from within.
Drink Water & Have a Good Skincare Regime
Did you know that a significant amount of skin tissue is made up of water? For this reason, it’s important to drink lots of fluids each day to help prevent dry or dehydrated skin. Likewise, a regular skincare routine will help improve the look and feel of your skin.